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A Spiritual You

Being the best you in 2009
Guest Contributor
Pastor Sonya "Redd" Williams


In a world of male dominance, women tend to forget their worth. What is a woman's worth? Well it surpasses what we could even think or imagine. The word worth alludes to value or price. How can you put a price on everything there is and will ever be. Yes women are the cause of everything you see. In Genesis God created the earth and all the dwells in it. The first man was Adam but if you pay close attention, Adam was not able to do Gods will without the help of a woman. God called her a help meet. Not to be Adams servant but to help Adam fulfill the promises of God and the eternal plan of salvation. In fact God thinks women are so important that he used her to usher our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into the world. God also refers to wisdom as she and says she cries out looking for one who will believe. Our very womb is the mouth to all existence. I like to think we are a man with a womb. No I am not saying we must deny ourselves all there is to being a woman but I am saying we are as powerful and as important as man with a little something extra and that is our sacred womb. I challenge every woman in 2009 to break the chains of oppression, deprogram the negative stereotypes that have been place in our minds, find your worth and reprogram your spirit with all the wonderful attributes of womanhood. The world is changing right before our eyes and the best is yet to come. God says that out of oppression is a nation raised up strong and mighty! 2009 is the woman's year to shine. Walk in boldness, walk in newness and walk in faith. You are powerful throughout the ages and we must draw from the blood, sweat and tears of woman of old. Practice self love, self defining and self preservation. Reach back and help a sister who is struggling to find her identity. Do not let any one put a price on you or buy you! You can't put a price on a woman's worth!
You can be an Empowered Woman of worth! you can move through the world
with a sense of confidence and grace.
You are endowed with infinate wisdom that will lead you into making destiny decisions with ease.
Speaks your truth without doubt or hesitation.

Understand what it means to live and live the abundant life that was intented for you.
Know how to take and how to give graciously.
You are here for a purpose, you are a creature of dreams and realities. Do not settle for less because you deseve the best life has to offer.

You are not a victim but a victor! You must overcome adversity and press pass pain. These are only tools sent to incrase your strength.

You are a woman of worth, worthy because Jesus Christ made you worthy when he healed the woman with the issue of blood, when we loosed the back bowed woman of her infirmaties and when he created someone a special as you.
Pastor Sonya "Redd" Williams
Minister & Elder at the Vision Church of Atlanta
The A.I.M.S. Network

To email Elder Williams


Now this your affirmation for this month
The principle we are working with this month is CHOICE. It is the ability
to recognize alternatives and possible consequences ,thereby enabling the
selection of that which is most desirable, admirable, and honorable. The
ability to act in response to the recognized alternatives

Choice teaches us how to listen, and why we must obey, the consequences of
our choices or our failure to choose, teaches us how to live in harmony
with our Self. That Self is always guiding and protecting us. It is up to
us to choose to listen to what Self is saying. It speaks to us as
feelings. It speaks to us as the need to grow.Your choices become your
personal library of victories and success, all choices rather forced or
focused, resistant or courageous ,will take you to a level of
understanding that will ultimately affect the way you view life.
Consequently when you choose to know the truth, the truth about your
strength, your power and you ability to withstand the consequences of your
choices it is never as bad as you imagined it will be, Choice makes it
easier When what we do , how we do it, and the way we do it no longer fits
our purpose in life, we must choose to do something else.......

Choice Affirmation

There is only one Power and one Presence operating in my mind, my body and
all of my life's affairs
This is the all-encompassing power of the Divine. The power and presence
of God.
God's truth, God's peace, God's wisdom, God's joy now fills every aspect
of my being.
God's truth is revealed as every CHIOCE I make
God's peace is revealed as every CHOICE I make
God's wisdom is revealed as every CHOICE I make
God's love sustains me in every CHOICE I make
For this I am so grateful
And so it is!

Let Me Remember
CHOICE is my divine teacher
My CHOICES are sustained by divine wisdom
Silence is a CHOICE not to choose
Unconscious CHOICE wins by default
What I resist will persist
Conscious CHOICE is the path to personal power

Answer these questions:
Today I realize it is difficult for me to make a CHOICE when?

Today I realized it is easy for me to make a CHOICE when ?

Today I realized I have not made a conscious CHOICE about ?

May God Bless you at your point of need!

Be Blessed
Rev.Dr LaShelle Stanley-Ward


 I am a 39yr old longtime resident of Atlanta Ga. A teacher by profession and by calling. I just recently married my soul mate and best friend Mrs Regina "Franklin" Anderson-Williams. I am a faithful member, Minister & Elder at the Vision Church of Atlanta where Regina and I have worshiped together for the past 2 1/2 years. I gave my life to Christ at the age of 6 and received the call on my life at the age of 13. I have always desired to be a minister of the gospel but, was confused as to how God would use me because I have always known I was gay. In 1988 I joined Green Pastures Christian Ministries and completed the required courses to become a minister. While at Green Pastures I held the position of Youth Minister and Counselor. I had the opportunity to do missionary work in Hatti which gave me a profound love for people and a concern for the oppressed. I left the church believing a lie which said that you can't be Gay and love God, that homosexuality was an abomination and that I was destined to hell. Believing these things left me hopeless and placed me on a self destructive path for many years. This path included alcohol abuse, drug abuse and sexual promiscuity. I had low self esteem and settled for less, feeling I was unworthy of the best that life had to offer. After years of clubbing (and there is nothing wrong with clubbing) and living in the fast lane, I realized I needed something more. My current wife heard about the Vision Church of Atlanta where Pastor O. C. Allen is the founder and Senior Pastor. We visited with our then spouses and joined the same day not knowing that our destinies would forever be tied together. My life has never been the same since that day. The church showed me a true theology of Christ and his acceptance of all. After joining the church I realized a few things, 1. God can use me just as I am. 2. I was worthy of God's love and true love. 3. It was time for me to walk in my truth, and loose anything and anyone that was not tied to my destiny. I stepped out on faith and stepped into honest living. I repented for my mistakes and the people I had offended and began a new walk with God. I now serve on the Elders board and the Christian Education board at the church. I volunteer at the Sherith Israel shelter for women. I am currently enrolled in school to continue my education in divinity. My Vision is to one day have a home that educates young ladies, who are on the road to destruction just as I was, and help them turn their lives around so that they will reach their full potential in life. With the help of my God, a strong church foundation, a loving wife and supportive family I'm sure the vision God gave to me will come to pass.

Elder Williams Myspace Page

The Vision Church is a vibrant, active and diverse congregation. We are a community rooted in worship, fellowship, diversity, witness, spiritual development, service and justice. The Vision Church congregation offers ALL people the opportunity to explore and discover their destiny within the context of a safe and nurturing Christ-centered community.

We are a Christian progressive-Pentecostal church, located in the Little Five Points area of Atlanta, Georgia. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the Fellowship Inc., and numerous journalists tag The Vision Church of Atlanta as one of the fastest growing Inclusive and Welcoming churches in the nation.

The Vision Church Website

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