Alphas Leading by Example
Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity, Inc. is not your typical fraternity. You won't find its members bearing togas
on college campuses or hazing new pledges. Instead, you see its members at local political events soliciting petitions for
LGBT rights and in various neighborhoods working to better their communities. Alpha Lambda Zeta
Fraternity, Inc. is a fraternity strictly for lesbians who seek to motivate change in their communities through
political activism and community volunteerism within a bonded sisterhood. The national website for the fraternity depicts
images of a diverse looking group of women posing with political candidates, mentoring elementary children, cleaning up gang
infested communities, embracing senior citizens, disbursing blankets and hygiene products to homeless men and women, and enjoying
the company of one another.
Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity, Inc. is a national Greek-lettered organization whose member base mainly consists
of women who are college students or in varying professions including engineers, officers, teachers, and business owners who
identify as aggressive lesbians. Since its founding in 2006 in Houston, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia, the organization has quickly
spread throughout the U.S. as women of varying ages, backgrounds, and experiences are drawn to its principals of fraternal
sisterhood, community volunteerism, erudition, political activism and professionalism. The organization was founded to motivate
positivity and change in the community through political action and community volunteerism, and to motivate and support its
aggressive women to serve as leaders while leading positive, productive lives. Their mission is to do what has not yet been
attempted among fraternities - educate, motivate, protect, and defend our community.
R. Ladd, the Supreme Anti-Baselius of Public Relations, has treasured membership in Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity,
Inc. since early 2006. Ladd has felt as if the images of aggressive women from within and outside of the LGBT community has
been greatly skewed through stereotypes and less than positive examples in the forefront. To her, Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity,
Inc. is a sisterhood of aggressive women who fit a different mold and who seek to "Change their Image, by Changing their Vision."
Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity not only seeks to change negative images and stereotypes, but they seek to shed light on the
positive impact that these women have within the LGBT community and society as a whole. They also seek to encourage
and support their members in becoming leaders in the community, scholars, entrepreneurs, and mentors for many youth who will
follow in their footsteps. Alpha Lambda Zeta Fraternity, Inc. is a place where positive aggressive lesbians are finding love,
support, acceptance, and most importantly, a family.
Membership is offered to women who identify as aggressive lesbians who demonstrate leadership and commitment
to the organization's principles with successful completion of an application process which consists of a series of interviews
and completion of their Leadership Training Academy. All those interested in membership should visit the National Website
at www.alphalambdazeta.com and contact their area representative. Aggressive womyn seeking membership into a fraternity with standards,
goals, professionalism, and activism are encouraged to explore further into the Regal World of Alpha Life.
Frat Undisputed
R. Ladd
Southeastern Region Vice President of Membership
"To cease learning, is to cease living" - R. Ladd
Frat Undisputed
R. Ladd
Southeastern Region Vice President of Membership
"To cease learning, is to cease living" - R. Ladd
