Aurora Jonez, Editor-In-Chief |
It is the beginning of a new year
and thanks to the support of you our readers, LezNation has grown from an idea in the back of my mind to become a significant
part of the lesbian community. We couldn't have done it without you, and the love you have shown us is greatly appreciated.
When new organizations pop up on the scene, we are most often too busy focusing on how we can become one step above
the next person to truly see that we are suppressed as a community already. Suppressing one another only fuels that fire.
Only through trust, networking, and strength in numbers will we begin to rise as a community. LezNation is proud to be a part
of that community.
Over this past year our staff has provided readers with quality news, articles, and entertainment.
The LGBT community is a lot more than endless parties, and who's who on the lesbian scene. It is our responsibility to educate
and inform on topics otherwise ignored, or forgotten while also keeping you up to date with the latest trends and happenings
in the community.
LezNation has currently undergone several staffing changes, and I would like to take a moment to
thank those who made this first year a success and wish them well in their pursuit of success in their individual projects.
Libra of Show Stoppa’z Car and Social Club (look for the exclusive interview summer 2009), Felisha Bradshaw, author
of the hit seller Eyes on the Pryze, and Chimez Da Boss, & Prettymoe of Post Up Live, we wish you all the best.
addition to myself and Managing Editor, Rev. Dr. Lashelle Stanley-Ward, I would like to welcome three new staff members to
LezNation. Our new Contributing Writer, Sharon Smith, owner of Seven Stages Publishing, The Fashion Diva LezStyles of Fashion
Rewind is our new Fashion Editor, and Harlem's own, L.E.G.E.N.D. Is the Opinion Columnist with the views you want to hear.
I would also like to thank a few people who will always be a part of the LezNation family, Pure Genius Designs, Gud
Lyfe Entertainment, and Sappholovergirl, and all of our Guest Contributors , Thank you for your unconditional support.
Whether you have been a faithful follower or you are a new reader for the first time, the staff of LezNation Magazine wishes
you a healthy and prosperous new year. Please continue to help us be a part of history in the making as we strive to be your
online lesbian magazine source.
Aurora Jonez, Editor-In-Chief