I don't need yours.........I have my own; this has been the phrase that every woman has spoken
since Neyo’s song Ms. Independent. This song has given women power in a
so called man's world. All over the world women has been freed and now embracing
independence. Yes ladies stand up and claim your independence. The movement have spark all women doing things for themselves. We
have not seen women power like this since Destiny Child's song I'm a Survivor. This
song opened the door that has kept women captured in a place that screamed out assistance.
But no longer, Nero has opened the door for us to find our own way. We
no longer look to anyone for help. In this day and era we claim our independence
from everything. When we are going out; I don't need you to pick me up in your car I got my own. When we are out socializing at a club or bar; I don't need you to buy me a drink I can by my own. We have transformed ourselves once again into strong minded independent women. As we dawn on a new day the sun has shine on us showing our strength in prominent
positions. This song has brought women into being the driving force in owning
not only themselves but their businesses. I have defined women as being the powerhouse
behind companies and families. Yes indeed women have taken the form of true motivation
for hard work and inspiration. The strength of society is now the face of independence,
we are fortunate to embody change through the eyes of ownership. Ladies instead
of the flag I salute you. I praise your need to succeed without the help of him or her.
We have surrendered the chains that kept us locked up. Ladies freedom
rings independence has the face of a queen no longer the image of a king. We
have solidified our position as head of independence. It could not only be said
once but he had to say it again. He sent us an even stronger message with part
2 she got her own. No ladies I don't mean borrowed or rented I mean OWNED. Yes Sir Nero has once again captured the true meaning of a woman an independent woman. In the words of Neyo "Aint nothing so sexy......... a woman that wants but don't need
me". I have heard it through the grapevine and shouted it from the mountain tops. Let independence ring yes almighty a queen stands in front of a king.
